5 CONCLUSIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE FUTURE Over three decades, this website has been assembling more and more evidence of the manipulation of emotional and physical behaviors by narrowly focused digital pattern recognition. BTX-users rated slightly emo … New evidence is now suggesting that Botox may harm not only the expression of emotion, but also its comprehension. processing of emotional sentences using peripheral blocking manipulations, such as pen or Botox injection, and found evidence for impaired comprehension as mea-sured by valence judgment and reading times (Havas, Glenberg, Gutowski, Lucarelli, & Davidson, 2010; Havas et al., 2007). Findings from this and other studies suggest that facial feedback modulates the neural processing of emotional content. The effect of facial botulinum Toxin-A (BTX) injections on the processing of emotional stimuli was investigated. The effect of facial botulinum Toxin-A (BTX) injections on the processing of emotional stimuli was investigated. Not metaphysical theories, but processing of digital memories in axon hillocks could be explaining innumerable mysteries of the mind. If BOTOX is altering emotional processing in the brain via a “facial feedback” mechanism, altered metabolite levels in the brainstem might be resolved. The hypothesis, that BTX would interfere with processing of slightly emotional stimuli and less with very emotional or neutral stimuli, was largely confirmed. It may be worse than the famed director susepcted. In a study of cognitive processing of emotional content, David Havas and colleagues asked participants to read emotional (angry, sad, happy) sentences before and two weeks after botox injections in the corrugator supercilii muscle used in frowning. emotionally-arousing task. Havas, Glenberg, Gutowski, Lucarelli, and Davidson (2010) discovered that individuals with depression reported lessened depressive symptoms after paralysis of their frowning muscles with Botox injections. Havas and his colleagues did not set out to study the unintended consequences of the controversial cosmetic treatment. The facial paralysis that does away with unwanted frown lines may cripple a crucial ability to mimic and process emotional … The results may suggest that botox can impair emotional reactivity, but this is by no means conclusive, and the news stories completely overlook the more profound implication of the results … The consequence of having Botox injected, scientists explain, depends on a … Thus, with regard to emotional processing, treating the glabella may have largely positive effects while treating the lateral canthal area may have principally negative effects that are likely only heightened with mask‐wearing. Aesthetic treatments based on botulin toxin affect the perception of emotions, new research shows. 38. The second goal is to better understand the effect of BOTOX on functional activity (measured using fMRI) in the brain and in the brainstem. The hypothesis, that BTX would interfere with processing of slightly emotional stimuli and less with very emotional or neutral stimuli, was largely confirmed.