By the year 2030, the company aims to double its sales generated with solutions for the circular economy to €17 billion. Using circular feedstocks instead of virgin fossil resources contributes directly or indirectly to an improved CO 2 footprint of subsequent products,” says Klaus Ries, Vice President for BASF’s Styrenics Business Europe. Pre-oxidation, chain scission, cross-linking and residual additives make polymer stabilization more challenging, calling for well-skilled, tailored solutions. Circular economy presents lucrative growth prospects. In particular, innovative approaches such as the biomass balance approach (BMB) and ChemCycling TM are intended to facilitate the long-term sustainable production and recycling of polystyrene products. CHEManager asked industry experts from well-established players along the chemical/plastics value chain to share their opinions on challenges and opportunities of the circular economy. Für BASF spiegelt Circular Economy das Ziel wider, Kreisläufe zu schließen und Produkte sowie Ressourcen bestmöglich entlang der Wertschöpfungskette zu nutzen. Circular economy at BASF 1. And with range of eco-certifications for BASF products, your cleaning operations measure up to some of the toughest environmental standards in the world. Wir haben Experten, die Anfang November auf der VCW-Konferenz „Circular Economy“ über die Chancen und Herausforderungen der Zirkulären Wirtschaft referiert und diskutiert haben gebeten, uns ihre Positionen zu konkreten Fragen darzulegen. Wir möchten unserer Verantwortung für den Klimaschutz gerecht werden, effizienter arbeiten, mehr Strom aus regenerativen Quellen beziehen und neue, emissionsarme … BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//BASF//Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210322T153021Z DTSTART:20210315T094200Z DTEND: SUMMARY:Circular economy at BASF DESCRIPTION:In this online seminar we will share details about the BASF Cir cular Economy Program and its offerings such as ChemCycling™. Trinseo has recently been procuring first supplies of the synthetical chemical styrene based on circular feedstock from BASF for use in its Solution-Styrene Butadiene Rubber (S-SBR) and polystyrene products. BASF launches circular-economy program 11:20 AM | December 10, 2020 | Sotirios Frantzanas Company aims to double sales generated by circular-economy solutions to $20.6 billion by 2030. New Solutions and New Customer Opportunities: Circular Economy Sustainable Brands 2017, Istanbul Dr. Andreas Kicherer, Director Sustainability Strategy, BASF SE 2. BASF has therefore launched a new Circular Economy Program. Kreislaufwirtschaft ist das neue Zauberwort der Chemie und mit ihrem neuen Circular Economy-Programm will sich BASF jetzt an die Spitze der Branche setzen. The development of new European lithium-ion battery ... News. As the latest corporate member of the programme, BASF embarks on a three-year partnership to bring about opportunities for a circular economy within new business models and new solutions. Circular economy means decoupling growth from resource ... News. The Circularity Challenge focuses on the value chains of plastics, energy storage, and recycling. Battery recycling – Building a sustainable battery materials value chain . Unlike Braungart, some environmentalists applaud BASF for the good intentions of its circular economy program. Mehr. All product properties important to you are retained Lower Carbon footprint Lower CO 2 impact Reduced greenhouse gas emissions Derived from renewable feedstocks Saving fossil resources . This means we conserve our planet’s limited resources and use them as efficiently as possible. 12/08/20. BASF is a founding member of a new global network dedicated to building a circular economy in the self-adhesive labeling industry. Circular Economy With the circular economy, we decouple economic growth from resource consumption. With BASF, you can get your dishes to sparkle using minimal water, and keep surfaces super-clean and hygienic with minimal impact on the environment. Here we present new additivation concepts tailored to common recyclate streams like polyolefins and PET in order to overcome these dynamic challenges in the growing plastics circular economy. By the year 2030, the company aims to double its sales generated with solutions for the circular economy to €17 billion. Das chemische Recycling wird derzeit als Alternative zur Verbrennung von Kunststoffabfällen, die für ein werkstoffliches Recycling nicht geeignet sind, in verschiedenen Projekten weiterentwickelt. Circular Economy & Sustainability With its styrenics products, BASF aims to achieve a closed sustainable product life cycle. Instead, growth comes from renewables and providing reusable and upgradable products. World-leading chemical company, BASF today announced its membership of the Circular Economy 100 (CE100). >>> Zurück zur Hauptseite. CELAB (Toward a Circular Economy for Labels) is a cross-industry coalition open to all companies in the self-adhesive label supply chain, promoting sustainability through encouraging collaboration, kick-starting regional initiatives, and developing best practices. This progr am helps us move toward a more circular economy … Trinseo and BASF have launched a new cooperation project, the production of styrene based on circular feedstock. CELAB (Toward a Circular Economy for Labels) is a cross-industry coalition open to all companies in the self-adhesive label supply chain, promoting sustainability through encouraging collaboration, kick-starting regional initiatives, and developing best practices. Neopor ® BMB. CELAB (Toward a Circular Economy for Labels) is a cross-industry coalition open to all companies in the self-adhesive label supply chain, promoting sustainability through encouraging collaboration, kick-starting regional initiatives, and developing best practices. More and more consumers wish to be part of the circular economy, and to move away from the one-way street of “produce, use & dispose” that is putting our environment under increasing strain. Op de eerste digitale onderzoekspersconferentie in Ludwigshafen op 10 december presenteerde BASF de huidige onderzoeksresultaten en nieuwe benaderingen voor het sluiten van kringlopen. BASF is driving circular economy by making the most of the limited resources of our planet: We keep them in use for as long as possible, minimize waste and create value with renewable resources. Ludwigshafen, Germany – May 4, 2017 – BASF, the world’s leading chemical company, today announced its membership of two Ellen MacArthur Foundation programs, to further advance its existing circular economy solutions. “CO 2 emission reduction and a circular economy are BASF’s paramount targets. BASF’s mission is to help redress this balance. Sustainable Development. The circular economy model is gaining traction as an alternative to growth models reliant on scarce natural resources, such as minerals and fossil fuels. 12/09/20. For BASF, CO2 emission reduction and a circular economy are cardinal issues. „Wir sind mit Engagement und viel Kreativität dabei uns eine führende Position in der CO 2 -neutralen Kreislaufwirtschaft zu erarbeiten“, sagt Dr. Martin Brudermüller, Vorstandsvorsitzender und Chief Technology Officer der BASF. BASF is a founding member of a new global network dedicated to building a circular economy in the self-adhesive labeling industry. Circular Economy at BASF. BASF has therefore launched a new Circular Economy Program. To achieve this, the company is concentrating on three action areas: circular feedstocks, new material cycles and new business models. Circular Economy at BASF Circular economy means decoupling growth from resource consumption. At the press conference in Dusseldorf, Katharina Schlegel from Global Market Development Biopolymers shows how ecovio ® contributes to closing the nutrient cycle towards a circular economy. According to the company, by the year 2030, the company aims to double its sales generated through this circular economy to €17 billion. This applies in all our markets and activities, including packaging. The circular economy is here to stay, with exciting opportunities for the chemical industry to stand out! Circular Economy – The transformation from linear to circular value creation. Where does blockchain come in? Circular Economy at BASF. Trinseo, BASF: Styrene based on circular feedstock. Sustainable Construction with BMB. The BASF Biopolymers at the K Fair 2019. Nachhaltigkeitstrends für die Zukunft. Market participants should consider: Market participants should consider: A collaborative approach toward sustainable product development: Participants must engage in collaborative initiatives focusing on eco-design and scaling and strengthen recycling infrastructure to commercialize advanced recycling technologies. The venture was spun out from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, where Sabur became interested in the circular economy as a master’s candidate. Circular Economy Innovative approaches for the circular economy . These are excerpts from our feature articles published in this issue (see previous pages). It’s the ledger by which a digital twin is tracked and authenticated as the actual material moves through the value chain from producers to molders to original equipment manufacturers. Eco-aware consumers are more likely to choose brands that can demonstrate sound eco-credentials. In the new Circular Economy Program, BASF aims to double its sales generated with solutions for the circular economy to €17 billion by the year 2030.To achieve this, the company is concentrating on three action areas: circular feedstocks, new material cycles and new business models. Het nieuwe Circular Economy Program van BASF: batterijen, kunststoffen, hernieuwbare grondstoffen BASF legt LCA zum chemischen Recycling vor Laut der Ökobilanzstudie emittiert Pyrolyse 50 Prozent weniger Kohlendioxid als die Verbrennung von gemischten Kunststoffabfällen. BASF is driving a circular economy by making the most of the limited resources of our planet: We keep them in use for as long as possible, minimize waste, and create value with renewable resources. In a circular economy, the aim is to avoid waste, reuse products and recover resources. To drive the transformation, BASF has launched a new Circular Economy Program. The aim of the circular economy is to use fewer ... News. Unser Carbon Management. “Using circular feedstocks instead of virgin fossil resources contributes directly or indirectly to an improved CO2 footprint of subsequent products,” said Klaus Ries, Vice President for BASF’s Styrenics Business Europe. BASF is a founding member of a new global network dedicated to building a circular economy in the self-adhesive labelling industry. BASF has launched a new program to increase its avoidance of waste, reuse of products and recovering of resources, as part of the circular economy. Circular Economy.