You might be wondering why your baby doesn't like to be held by certain people. Puts his arms out to them, even strangers, bit of a tart really :D, My 7 1/2 month old son used to smile at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING until just recently. • The "intense" or "passionate" baby: An intense baby may scream or cry loudly whenever he feels distressed, unlike a milder baby who might simply frown or whimper. Learn what baby milestones you can expect from your one-year-old baby in Month 12 of WebMD's Baby Month by Month Guide. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. The symptoms listed below happen at a variety of ages, but they are all things that a child with autism may NOT do. But there is a fine balance here. That's why a baby may stare at a stranger – especially if this person has a beard, eyeglasses, or other features that are different from what he's used to. Watching your baby smile in their sleep is very high up on the cuteness scale—right beside their baby grip and those first cute attempts at clapping. It is more common that younger babies get upset because of over stimulation, too much noise, too many new faces, or things coming too close, too quickly. Doesn't point or wave goodbye or use other gestures to communicate. Even at home with my husband and me, she wasn't as silly and giggly as some babies. He's pretty outgoing I think, like me. He's still a shy, reserved type, but is … My almost 2 year old DS was (and to some extent, still is) like that. One time the girl was speaking in spanish at her and she just started grinning; I can't remember the other time. Responsive Smile: As the baby starts to grow, the baby starts to smile at the thing she finds pleasing like voices, faces and the close touch. If a baby reacts strongly to anything he doesn't like, it can be hard to know how to respond. can't go through life LAUGHING at people's faces! Ds was like that. I think I'll say that to the next person who calls her a "serious" baby! My husband and I could hand him to anyone and he’d just smile and coo. "Your baby doesn't have a clear sense yet of who you are." When my daughter was 6-months-old, she would scream when held by an aunt on my husband's side of the family. "Your baby doesn't have a clear sense yet of who you are." I think she has smiled maybe two times at strangers since she started smiling. Make sure your DD can see your face if other people talk to her (DS got more upset if he couldn't see me - for instance if I was pushing his buggy - as he wanted to check my face to get reassurance that the strange person wasn't going to hurt him!). He definitely prefers men.. With this level, you have eye contact and a stare or gaze, and you add a smile. The baby doesn’t have a clear feeling about who are you. Never Smile at Strangers by Jennifer Jaynes is this author’s debut novel and a gripping and intense read it is! Re: My 11month Old Baby Resents People And Doesn't Smile. Then try some or all of these other smile-inducing tactics: Get close and be dramatic. Now, at 8 months they rarely do again. She hated men, still does but warms up a lot faster now. But while a captured smile during sleep makes for a great addition to your memory book, you could also be witnessing something revealing about your child’s growth and development. She was more intense and focused on what was going on around her. Baby reacts to strong smells (especially tobacco or perfume) Babies and small children might be startled by shrill or loud voices. soon put paid to those annoying comparisons with 'lady down the road's' granddaughter etc though! All children are scared of strangers - it is natural for their protection. Yes. At 4 months, no they did not smile for strangers. Baby is confused or afraid of facial hair, glasses, or hats. A. Andie1111. In the highly unlikely event that your baby does not smile at all by the time she … Your baby's reflex smile will disappear by time she's 2 months old, and her first real one will make an appearance somewhere between one-and-a-half to 3 months (or 6 and 12 weeks) of life. It’s a normal stage in child development.. Hold your face about 30cm from his, then talk to him and smile. I have never seen her so upset. Your baby's reflex smile will disappear by time she's 2 months old, and her first real one will make an appearance somewhere between one-and … My dd was also labeled anti social as as a baby , but secretly i loved it that she only preferred me or dh thats my girl.She's 4.2 and very sociable, however even now some people she just doesn't take to. Everyone else gets the 'I don't know you' look and they always tell me that he looks serious. Often, he refuses to be in pictures at all. My oldest was a pretty serious baby. But this type of baby smile is not in response to an emotional trigger—it’s just a biological way for baby to start practicing different skills. Hello my baby just turned 8 weeks today and according to all various books/magazines/etc she should be smiling and interested in faces but she's not! If you smile at someone, you usually expect a smile back. The baby has problem following objects visually. When do babies smile? Yes, you read that correctly. Babies rarely react negatively to strangers before age ___ months, but commonly do so by ___ months. ", My little boy smiles at EVERYONE. It is also when he is most likely to smile. When people come over in stores to say hi & smile at her she just stares back at them and refues to even crack a little grin. Thank you for your replies. My baby will be 3 months next week (he was also born about 3 weeks early) and I read an article about milestones about how my 3 mo old baby should be staring into their parents eyes, and smiling at their voice/and smiling at strangers, and showing signs of *obvious* recognition. She will occasionally smile when you walk into the room and she laughs … In fact, at 7 to 8 months I remember being quite worried, because if a stranger smiled and started talking to him, he'd actually start crying. Life doesn’t really run on logic all the time. Your baby’s first big birthday has arrived! By the time he was one, Jasper looked either anxious or furious most days. This doesn't always work though because even if someone has the best intentions, your baby can still react in unexpected ways. He's always very serious now and looks like he's giving you a dirty look, haha. First, your baby has decided that you represent a safe haven for her. Games like peekaboo are also great to engage baby. DS smiles at EVERYONE, whether he has seen you before or not. If you want to encourage your baby to smile, it’s best to wait until he is comfortable and ready to play. The baby or child does not smile or respond when interacting with an adult. It is also when he is most likely to smile. He has only in the past few months started to smile at strangers, although he's always been happy to study them intently! Your baby is wired to relate to you. They know, that these people take care of him, feed him, love him, play with him. “Every baby doesn’t follow the textbook, and some take up to 4 months to start smiling socially. This is especially true if they don’t smile or make eye contact with their baby. At 4 months, no they did not smile for strangers. Stranger anxiety signals two good things. Doesn't respond to his or her name or to the sound of a familiar voice. Doesn't smile when smiled at. Later, once attachment disorder has developed, signs might include: The baby or child doesn't turn to his/her mother or main caregiver when upset. I fed my baby a stranger's milk. Observe a group of 14-month-olds at the park and you'll note that they're basically loners. My baby 10month…have eyes contact…when call her name she is Responding…she is get up 7-8times at night to get milk and continues sleep.but she doesn’t interest playing peek a boo .no social smiling at other people . If your baby doesn’t warm up to a childcare provider eventually, you may want to look into why that is. i hope she stops soon, otherwise she might get beat up ;) “Every baby doesn’t follow the textbook, and some take up to 4 months to start smiling socially. To smile at a stranger in a meaningful way, then, requires we muster some kind of real feeling for them—that we care about someone we don't know, if … Face your baby, keep a neutral face, then make a big smile. Then they did for a while if somebody smiled at them and they were in the mood. When the eye lock tells him you’re interested, throwing in a smile signals you find him totally attractive. Share Your Updates With Family And Friends Every Week. Because babies prefer familiar adults, they might react to strangers by crying or fussing, going very quiet, looking fearful or hiding. What you can do to minimize stranger anxiety Here are some tips for helping your child feel less upset when meeting a new person for the first time, such as a friend of yours, relative, or caregiver. Doesn’t smile back when you smile (by about 4 months). My (24) gf (22) would want to keep the baby in case of an unplanned pregnancy, but doesn't want to take the pill and thinks condoms aren't enough while our life situation doesn't really have any space for kids Surprisingly, at this age, typically developing infants actually smile less than the baby sibs without autism and slightly more than those with the disorder (although neither difference is statistically significant). I thoroughly enjoyed it and raced through, finding it hard to put down. It doesn't mean the child is going to be shy. It is always sad and a little concerning when baby doesn't even recognize dad because he is always on his phone or just too busy for baby. Start to understand your different emotions (for example, your baby might frown when you speak in an angry tone of voice) Show more comfort around familiar people, and anxiety around strangers; Possibly comfort herself by sucking thumb, or holding a special toy or blanket R ed Flags for Social-Emotional Development (9 months) No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions (by about 9 months). Our youngest is the opposite, even at six months old she is more outgoing. I don't know if it's because he favors his dad or the tenor voice or what have you, but he will smile at men way before he will smile for women. Second, your baby is probably gaining physical skills that allow her to move away from you like rolling, creeping, and crawling. I hav a veri cute 11month old daughter, she never allows anybdy 2 carry her, even if u giv her candy she wil neva accept except frm me or her mum. Seventh Level – Sex Eyes Some research has suggested that stranger anxiety has more to do with a … If you happen to be receiving this sixth level and you ignore it, you’re missing out big time. Do you have questions about pregnancy or your new baby? These symptoms include: Child does not make eye contact (e.g. Relatives, nurses, friends and strangers would try to get him to crack a grin, as if a serious baby was a danger, ... Now at 9, Jasper still doesn’t smile for photographs. Relatives, nurses, friends and strangers would try to get him to crack a grin, as if a serious baby was a danger, an affront to the definition of a child. Generally, babies smile readily by 12 weeks, and by 6 months most smile ecstatically at the people they know best. DD1 was like this and I remember well how embarrassing it was and all the sarcastic remarks from people aggrieved that their friendly overtures did not result in smiles!! I’ve read the two novels after this one in The Strangers series; Ugly Young Thing and Don't Say a Word and loved them as well. Its sequel, Ugly Young Thing, will be published in early 2015. Don't read too much into stranger anxiety. When she’s not spending time with her twin sons or writing, she loves reading, cooking, studying … My baby girl started smiling when she was 7 weeks .She did smile at people who smiled at her until she was 4 months.She is 41/2 now and has stopped smiling at anyone other than my husband and myself.She even cries somtimes when someone comes up to her and speaks to her.Any suggestions on how I could get her to smile and interact with others. Now, at 8 months they rarely do again. 9/2/2010 at 3:58 PM. Friends not replying to invite, Husband sent a little too much money to his parents, Suddenly so angry - being shouted at and leered at just going for a walk with my DD. 8 week baby doesn't smile at all and doesn't look at faces. Dad should be a familiar and comforting face. I work at a daycare and my manager was like, "he always looks at me like I'm crazy! As you get ready for the celebration, think back on the last 12 months as a time of incredible growth and development. It always took her a long time to warm up to grandparents, too. Doesn’t make eye contact (e.g. Give your baby some time to see if he wants to respond. My DD is 8 months old and when with my DP or me is a happy smiley baby who giggles alot and enjoys playing.However, she doesn't smile at other people...friends, strangers, GPs (who she sees quite often), anyone! He picks and chooses. I feel like she doesn’t need me at all, she doesn’t care if i am around or not, when her dad comes to see her she gets happy and he only comes once a week and sometimes he wont come for 2 weeks!!! She barely even smiles for her paternal grandma and she has seen her since the day she was born. But starting when he turned seven months, his behavior changed completely. My baby girl started smiling when she was 7 weeks .She did smile at people who smiled at her until she was 4 months.She is 41/2 now and has stopped smiling at anyone other than my husband and myself.She even cries somtimes when someone comes up to her and speaks to her.Any suggestions on how I could get her to smile and interact with others.